
CPAT was created to provide coastal public entities with a strategy to achieve the lowest long-term cost for their property insurance. CPAT’s expertise and buying power reduces annual premium volatility while maintaining deductible and coverage stability.


CPAT is one of the largest public entity property programs in the state currently providing coverage to nearly one-third of all Texas coastal school districts. CPAT is backed by "A" rated carriers who understand the needs of coastal entities.

Individual Limits

CPAT Members enjoy their own individual property limits without risk-sharing with other entities. Limits and deductibles can be tailored to match each Member’s specific needs.


Formed under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, the CPAT Interlocal Agreement enables Members to benefit from cost-saving arrangements while meeting the Texas Education Code section 44.031 Purchasing Contracts requirements.

Facility Surveys

CPAT’s pro-active loss control efforts are proven to reduce catastophic damage. CPAT/Agility Operational Disaster Recovery provides the necessary resources to get the public entities up and running quickly.